A picture of a Laptop Computer with the digital Pre-Consultation Agreement Application.

Planning Applications & Fee Schedules

Planning Applications & Fee Schedules

Planning Act Application & Approvals

Before anyone submits a planning application to the Town, they must contact Planning Services to discuss the application process. The following steps are required for all planning applications: 

  1. Attend a Pre-Consultation Meeting
  2. Submit the Application(s), based on the requirements outlined in the Pre-Consultation Meeting 
  3. The Application(s) are reviewed by internal and external Staff and Agencies, and circulated to the public in the area surrounding the subject land(s) 
  4. The Application(s) is considered for decision by the applicable Committee/Council

Pre-consultation Meetings

A Pre-Consultation meeting is required to be conducted before anyone submits applications for:

          ·Amendments to the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law
          ·Plans of Subdivision and/or Condominium
          ·Site Plan
          ·Minor Variance
          ·Fence Variance
          ·Sign Variance
          ·Fence Variance 
          ·Legal Non-Conforming Use

The purpose of a Pre-Consultation Meeting is to make sure the application is necessary and to identify any required studies, plans, or other supporting information needed to process a planning application.

Pre-Consultation Meetings are held in the afternoon on the first and third Thursday of every month.  Requests are processed on a first-come, first-serve basis.

Planning Applications

A landowner/developer may apply to the Town for the following planning applications:

Frequently Asked Questions

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