Pools, Hot Tubs & Enclosures

On May 13, 2019, Council adopted a new Private Outdoor Swimming Pool, Hot Tubs and Swimming Pool Enclosure by-law, (please reference By-law No. 5155-19, A By-law to Regulate Private Outdoor Swimming Pools, Hot Tubs and Swimming Pool Enclosures in the Municipality and to Rescind By-law 803-77). The by-law applies to a body of water that is (a) is located outdoors on private property; (b) is wholly or partially contained by artificial means; and (c) is capable, at any point, of holding water in excess of 0.6 m in depth; including but not limited to a hot tub or landscape pond.

The by-law applies retroactively to all properties within the Municipality. This means that all outdoor swimming pools, hot tubs and landscape ponds holding water in excess of 0.6m in depth requires conformity to the new by-law, including units installed before May 13, 2019. Note that conformity must occur before November 13, 2019.

    Before installing a new pool or a hot tub, you must apply for and obtain a permit. The following is intended as a reference to assist you in submitting such. Please note that a permit is not required for a landscape pond, but the pond must comply with by-law.

    Girl swimming underwater in a pool

    Application Submission Checklist – New Applications

    1. Applications are now available online at Cloudpermit.com.
    2. The application with applicable drawings must be submitted online to the Building Department via Cloudpermit. The following information must be included in the drawings (specific requirements can be found in By-law No. 5155-19).

      • The location of the property.

      • A plot plan showing the location of trees, septic tanks and beds where applicable, location of the right of ways, easements and existing or proposed retaining walls associated with the pool location, the proposed swimming pool and/or hot tub location on the property in relation to lot lines, street lines and all other building structures on the lot.

      • A plan showing the complete details of the swimming pool enclosure including the location, type, height, materials, gates and latching devices,

      • A plan showing the location of hydroelectric poles and all proposed plumbing and electrical installations.

      • A set of plans for the construction of proposed decks and/or accessory buildings (including change rooms, storage structures etc) if any.

      • Measurement of mechanical pool equipment.

      • A lot grading plan may be required at the discretion of the Chief Building Official.

      • If the application is for a hot tub with a locking cover, details of the locking cover must be submitted with the application.

    3. An application fee must be paid before the permit can be issued. Note, that a damage deposit may also be required.

    4. If tree removal is required, the Private Tree Protect By-law might apply.  Visit the Trees on Private Property in Urban Areas (live link) for permit details and the application process.

    Previously Existing Private Outdoor Swimming Pool, Hot Tub and Landscape Pond Compliance Application 

    As of November 13, 2019, every outdoor Swimming Pool, Hot Tub and Landscape Pond within the Municipality in excess of 0.6m in depth is required to comply with By-law 5155-19.

    A Compliance Application is required for each property needing to be brought into compliance.  Once the Application is submitted, a By-law Officer will be in touch, offering simple, easy-to-understand instructions.

    Please fill out the application below, and a staff member will be in touch within 2 business days.

    Application for Conformity Compliance To Meet Current Requirements

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