To view past meetings, please scroll below Upcoming Meetings
Instructions On Viewing Council Meetings Online
Using the calendar above, click on the meeting you wish to view. A screen will open up as seen below:

Once the meeting is live, a link to View Live Stream will appear. Users can click on the link to watch the meeting live. Alternatively, users can click on HTML to view the agenda and watch the meeting simultaneously.
Agenda Options
HTML Option: AODA friendly and the best option for viewing agendas, minutes, and watching the webcasting of Council and COTW meetings. This option includes embedded links to attachments and is extremely user-friendly.
PDF Option: Provided for printing purposes.
What is a Closed Session?
In Ontario, Councils of a municipality can convene in closed sessions (private meetings) for specific reasons outlined in Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001. These reasons typically include:
- Personal matters
- Litigation or potential litigation
- Advice subject to solicitor-client privilege
- Negotiations
- Matters that could reveal confidential information
The purpose of closed sessions is to allow Councils to discuss sensitive matters that require privacy and confidentiality while still ensuring transparency and accountability in the decision-making process. Council typically cannot vote within a closed session unless to direct Staff. Any motions discussed in a closed session are forwarded and voted on in an open session.
Deliberations within closed sessions must remain on-topic and cannot be shared outside the meeting. Closed sessions are only convened as allowed by the Municipal Act.