The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake is committed to serving the needs of all of our residents, long-standing and newly arrived. The Town is fortunate to have so many community-minded people who strive to preserve our ancestral heritage, the bounty of our many rural treasures and the well-being of our fellow neighbours.
Please let us know if there are other ways we can make living in Niagara-on-the-Lake better for you by using the Service Request form.
Water & Wastewater

Learn about the maintenance and operation of our water and sewage systems.

Find out where to park, information on permits and more.
Roads & Infrastructure

Learn about our roads. key infrastructure, and how they're maintained.
Health & Education

Find health and educational resources and services available in Town.
Fire & Emergency Services
Learn about fire prevention, education, and emergency response.
By-law Enforcement

Learn about Town By-laws.
Building Services

Find out when and how to apply for a building permit.

Learn about the Town's environmental and sustainability initiatives and programs.

Find out about animal registration and care, and wild animal control.

Learn about cemetery services in Town.
Garbage & Utilities

Learn about waste services in the Region and the Town's hydro providers.