House surrounded by trees

Zoning By-Laws

Zoning By-Laws

Zoning By-laws

Zoning by-laws control the use of land in a community. It describes how the land can be used, where buildings and structures can be located, the types of buildings that are permitted and how they can be used as well as the lot sizes and dimensions, parking requirements, building heights and setbacks from property lines, etc.

Zoning by-laws put the general policies of an Official Plan into effect and provide for its day-to-day administration. It contains specific requirements that are legally enforceable. If the proposed construction or development does not comply with a zoning by-law, then the municipality has the authority to refuse the issuance of a building permit.

A zoning by-law amendment is an application for a change of use on a property that does not meet the current zoning standards. Council can consider a change only if the new use is allowed by the Official Plan. There are certain processing provisions of the Planning Act regarding the circulation of the application and public meetings which must be met before Council considers the application.

Comprehensive Zoning By-law 4316-09, as amended (for lands located inside an urban boundary only)

The Comprehensive Zoning By-law (CZBL) 4316-09, as amended, was passed by Council and the areas that are in effect under this by-law include the Urban Boundary areas of Virgil, Old Town, Queenston, St. Davids, and Glendale.  Section 12 is still under appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board and as such falls under the control of the Town's Zoning By-law 500A-74, as amended.  If you have any questions, please contact the department for further information.

An Office Consolidation for Comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 4316-09, as amended, has been prepared as a convenience reference only and includes all amendments up to By-law 4316BZ-16.  Any amendments that were approved after this  have been added below until the next office consolidation is completed.

Zoning By-law 500A-74, as amended (for those areas outside an Urban Boundary)

An office consolidation for Zoning By-law 500A-74, as amended, has been prepared as a convenience reference only. (For greater accuracy, the original Zoning By-law amendments should be consulted and are referenced in the text.  Please notify the office for a copy if required. )

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