Aquatics Programming and Swimming Lessons
Welcome to Niagara-on-the-Lake’s Aquatics Programs and Drop-in Swimming hub! Dive into a world of fun and fitness with our aquatics programming. Whether you're a seasoned swimmer or just dipping your toes, the Town's programs cater to various ages and skill levels. From swim lessons to leisurely laps and water aerobics to family splash sessions, there's something for everyone to enjoy. Make a splash with us and discover the joy of aquatics activities in our welcoming and inclusive environment!

Niagara-on-the-Lake Pools
Niagara Pool | St. Davids Pool |
Address: 370 King Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake Phone: (905) 468-2804 | Address: 1446 York Road, St. Davids Phone: (905) 262-5120 |
Full scheduling from June 29 to September 1. (Open for Lane Swim and Public Swim June 21, 22, and 28) | Full scheduling from June 29 to Auguat 30. |
Drop-in Swimming
Drop-in swimming is offered daily at the Niagara Pool and St. Davids Pool. Please see below for schedules, fees, descriptions, and admission policies.
The 2025 Aquatics Programming Schedule will be available to view temporarily.
- Preschool (0-3 years): FREE
- Youth (4-15 years): $3.00
- Adult (16-59 years): $4.00
- Senior (ages 60+): $3.00
- Youth (4-15 years): $64.00
- Adult (16-59 years): $70.00
- Senior (ages 60+): $64.00
- Family (up to 5 from the same household): $122.25
- Guest Pass (1-week): $23.00
- Preschool (0-3 years): FREE
- Youth (4-15 years): $3.00
- Adult (16-59 years): $4.00
- Senior (ages 60+): $3.00
- Youth (4-15 years): $71.25
- Adult (16-59 years): $78.00
- Senior (ages 60+): $71.25
- Family (up to 5 same from the same household): $136.00
- Guest Pass (1-week): $25.75
Grab your family, bathing suits, and towels and head to the Niagara Pool or St. Davids Pool to make a splash in our Public Swim. This swim offers a recreational swim atmosphere with access to the entire pool, including the diving board (Niagara Pool) and slide (St. Davids Pool). This swim is open to individuals of all ages.
- Red Band (0-5 years): Must be accompanied by an adult (age 16+) within arms reach at a ratio of 1 Adult to 2 Red Bands.
- Yellow Band (6-9 years): A facility swim test is required. A successful swim test results in a Green Band, and an unsuccessful swim test results in a Red Band. Ratio is 1 Adult to 4 Red Bands
- Green Band (10+): Can swim unaccompanied in the pool without a swim test.
Demonstrate the ability to jump into shallow water comfortably and swim unassisted two widths of the pool without touching the bottom.
This swim is geared toward families with young children, and adults (ages 16+) looking to swim leisurely, offered at both Niagara Pool and St. Davids Pool. Please note that all individuals 0-15 years of age must be supervised in the pool by an adult (ages 16+). This swim is open to individuals of all ages.
- Red Band (0-15 years): Must be accompanied by an adult (age 16+) at a ratio of 1 Adult to 4 Red Bands.
- Green Band (ages 16+): Can swim unaccompanied in the pool and can supervise Red Bands aged 0-15 years of age.
Lane Swim is available for youth competitive swimmers ages 7+ and adults of all ages. Youth must be capable of swimming consecutive lengths without stopping. The pool is divided into lanes for participants to swim, water walk, or water jog the length of the pool. Permitted equipment for lane swims includes snorkels, hand paddles, pull buoys, flutter boards, goggles, and swim caps.
Aqua Fit classes are available for individuals ages 16+ and take place at the Niagara Pool and St. Davids Pool. The program uses the buoyancy and resistance of the water to give participants a safe, effective full-body workout. The focus is on cardiovascular, muscle toning, flexibility and increased mobility. Resistance dumbbells are provided and incorporated into each class. This class takes place in the shallow end.
Each class will offer a 45-minute instructor-led workout and a 15-minute “free time” leisure period to water walk, swim lanes, do a personal workout, or socialize.
2024 Aquatics Programming
Ten 30-minute lessons are offered Monday through Friday in four 2-week sessions during July and August.
LOCATION: Niagara Pool (370 King Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake) and St. Davids Pool (1446 York Road, St. Davids)
SWIM LEVELS OFFERED: Lifesaving Society Parent & Tot (4 months - 3 years old), Preschool (3-5 years old) and Swimmer (5-12 years old). Click each of the hyperlinks for a full program description.
HOW TO REGISTER: Go to, under the "Activities" heading, select "Group Swim Lessons." Browse the various class options, and select "Enroll Now" for the timeslot and class of your choice. Once payment is complete, you have been registered in the class of your choice. Please arrive at the pool on the first meeting date and time of your selected class.
Eight 30-minute lessons are offered once per week from Monday through Friday during July and August.
LOCATION: Niagara Pool (370 King Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake) and St. Davids Pool (1446 York Road, St. Davids)
SWIM LEVELS OFFERED: Lifesaving Society Parent & Tot (4 months - 3 years old), Preschool (3-5 years old) and Swimmer (5-12 years old).
HOW TO REGISTER: Go to, under the "Activities" heading, select "Group Swim Lessons." Browse the various class options, and select "Enroll Now" for the timeslot and class of your choice. Once payment is complete, you have been registered in the class of your choice. Please arrive at the pool on the first meeting date and time of your selected class.
Ten 1-hour lessons are offered Monday through Friday in three 2-week sessions during July and August.
LOCATION: Niagara Pool (370 King Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake) and St. Davids Pool (1446 York Road, St. Davids)
SWIM LEVELS OFFERED: Lifesaving Society Canadian Swim Patrol and Lifesaving Society Bronze Star.
HOW TO REGISTER: Go to, under the "Activities" heading, select "Advanced Swim Lessons." Browse the various class options, and select "Enroll Now" for the timeslot and class of your choice. Once payment is complete, you have been registered in the class of your choice. Please arrive at the pool on the first meeting date and time of your selected class.
Eight 1-hour lessons are offered once per week, Tuesdays or Thursdays, during July and August.
LOCATION: Niagara Pool (370 King Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake) and St. Davids Pool (1446 York Road, St. Davids)
SWIM LEVELS OFFERED: Lifesaving Society Canadian Swim Patrol and Lifesaving Society Bronze Star.z
HOW TO REGISTER: Go to, under the "Activities" heading, select "Advanced Swim Lessons." Browse the various class options, and select "Enroll Now" for the timeslot and class of your choice. Once payment is complete, you have been registered in the class of your choice. Please arrive at the pool on the first meeting date and time of your selected class.
OPTION 1: Five 30-minute lessons offered Monday through Friday in a one-week session during July and August
COST FOR PRIVATE LESSON: Resident $147.90 (per participant) / Non-Resident $159.75 (per participant)
COST FOR SEMI-PRIVATE LESSON: Resident $74.35 (per participant) / Non-Resident $80.40 (per participant)SESSION OPTIONS:
- Week 1: July 1 - 5
- Week 2: July 8 - 12
- Week 3: July 15 - 19
- Week 4: July 22 - 26
- Week 5: No Lessons
- Week 6: August 5 - 9
- Week 7: August 12 - 16
- Week 8: August 19 - 23
- Week 9: No Lessons
OPTION 2: Eight 30-minute lessons offered Monday through Friday once per week during July and August
COST FOR PRIVATE LESSON: Resident $236.00 (per participant) / Non-Resident $255.60 (per participant)
COST FOR SEMI-PRIVATE LESSON: Resident $118.96 (per participant) / Non-Resident $128.64 (per participant)SESSION OPTIONS:
- Monday Lessons: July 1 - 19
- Tuesday Lessons: July 2 - August 30
- Wednesday Lessons: July 3 - August 21
- Thursday Lessons: July 4 - August 22
- Friday Lesson: July 5 - August 23
Private Lesson Registration Specifics: Go to, under the "Activities" heading, select "Private Swim Lessons". Browse the various class options, select "Enroll Now" for the timeslot and class of your choice. Once payment is complete, you have been registered in the class of your choice. Please arrive to the pool on the first meeting date and time of your selected class.
Semi-Private Lessons Registration Specifics: Go to, under the "Activities" heading, select "Private Swim Lessons". Browse the various class options, select "Enroll Now" for the timeslot and class of your choice. Please register ONE of your semi-private lesson participants into your desired timeslot and enroll the other individuals on the program "Waitlist". You will be contacted via phone to enroll the other participants and collect the remaining fees.
Semi-private lessons can be done with friends and family within two swim levels of each other (up to three people).
Swim Team is a recreational summer swim team for individuals ages 5-17. Swimmers will be able to attend local swim meets on weekends and receive a swim team swim cap. Swimmers will practice at either the St. Davids Pool or Niagara Pool and will compete together as one “Team” at local swim meets.
COST: Resident $140.00 / Non-Resident - $151.25
- NIAGARA POOL: Monday and Wednesday 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. (First Practice: July 1)
- ST. DAVIDS POOL: Tuesday and Thursday 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. (First Practice: July 2)
DATES: Monday, July 1 – Friday, August 30
HOW TO REGISTER: Register for “Niagara Pool – Swim Team” or “St. Davids Pool - Swim Team.” An information email will be sent by the Aquatics Coordinator 1-2 weeks before the first practice. Swim meet dates and details will be emailed once information becomes available.
BRONZE MEDALLION (+ Emergency First Aid)
In this class, candidates (13 years and over) will learn the lifesaving principles embodied in the four components of water rescue education: judgment, knowledge, skill and fitness. Rescuers learn tows and carry, as well as defence methods and releases, in preparation for challenging rescues of increased risk involving conscious and unconscious victims of various types. Lifesavers develop stroke efficiency and endurance in a 400-meter timed swim.
PRE-REQUISTITE: Candidates must be at least 13 years or have completed the Bronze Star.
- LOCATION: Niagara Outdoor Pool
- DATES: July 15 - 19 (Monday - Friday)
- CLASS TIME: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Monday - Thursday), 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Friday - Exam Day)
- RAIN DATE: July 20, 3:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (if required)
- COST: $120.00 + optional fee of $65.00 for Manual (to be processed by Coordinator after Registration)
Candidates will learn the difference between lifesaving and lifeguarding in this class for youth and adults. Candidates will learn the principles of emergency care, teamwork, the use of specialized equipment and the introduction to safe supervision in aquatic facilities.
PRE-REQUISITE: Bronze Medallion, Emergency First Aid
- LOCATION: Niagara Outdoor Pool
- DATES: July 22 - 26 (Monday - Friday)
- CLASS TIME: 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. (Monday - Thursday), 8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Friday - Exam Day)
- RAIN DATE: July 27, 3:30 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (if required)
- COST: $120.00
Other Water Fun!
Address: 1565 Four Mile Creek Road, Virgil (Centennial Sporks Park)
Hours of Operation: 9:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. daily
Opening Date: June 1, 2024 (weather dependent)ImageAddress: 25 Picton Street, Niagara-on-the-Lake (Simcoe Park)
Opening Date: June 29, 2024
Schedule: Saturday & Sunday: 10:00am - 4:00pm, Monday-Friday: 12:00pm - 4:00pmImage
More Information
- Visit Activenet.
- Sign in using your email. Click on "Forgot Your Password" if it is your first time logging in or if you forgot your password.
- Once logged on, click on “Activities” on the top scroll bar.
- Click on the Activity you wish to register for.
- Click on “Enroll Now."
- Add Participant (might be prompted to add a new family member).
- Answer all required waiver questions.
- Add to cart and check out.
Q. Are refunds offered?
Before the second lesson, refunds will be issued for medical reasons only. A 10% Administrative fee is applied to all refunds.
Q. Are the pools heated?
Yes, both Niagara Pool and St. Davids Pool are heated.
Q. Can I purchase a public swimming season pass?
Swimming Passes can be purchased at the pool office, and can be used at either pool.
Q. What do I need to bring to the pool?
- A proper bathing suit and towel
- Goggles (optional) *Will not be provided by the pool
- Kickboard/noodle (optional for Lane swim/Family swim) *No equipment will be provided by the pool
- Lifejackets, small float toys, and/or diving toys (optional for family swim/pool rentals) *Not offered by the pool
Q. Will my child need to take a swim test?
All swimmers aged 6-9 years old are required to complete the facility swim test to:
- Swim in the deep end
- Use diving boards/slide
- Swim unattended by a parent or guardian
The swim test includes swimming two (2) widths of the pool unassisted and without the child putting their feet on the bottom of the pool. If successful, the lifeguard will provide a green wristband that must be worn for the swim duration. If the child cannot complete the swim test or chooses not to, they will be given a yellow wristband and must have a parent or guardian on the pool deck for the duration of their swim.
*All swimmers five (5) and under will be given a red wristband and must always have a parent or guardian within arm's reach in the pool.
Q. Can my child swim unattended wearing a life jacket/floaties?
No. A child may only swim unattended if they have passed the swim test and/or are ten (10) years or older. Children wearing life jackets/floaties must always be within arm's reach of a parent or guardian and are NOT permitted to use diving boards or slides.
Q. How do I know what swim level to register my child?
Please refer to our Swimming Lessons Comparison chart for descriptions of each level and to see what Life Saving Swim level your child belongs in if they have taken lessons under the Red Cross or the YMCA.
Pool facilities, including the Niagara Pool, St. Davids Pools and wading pool, close when there is heavy rain and/or active thunder and lightning. Onsite signage will help to inform the public when these facilities are closed due to poor weather conditions. All other unexpected closures will be shared via the Town's website and social media channels.