Man turning on tap to fill water bottle

Drinking Water

Drinking Water

Drinking Water

The Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake owns and operates two separate drinking water distribution systems which are the Niagara-on-the-Lake drinking water system (Niagara-on-the-Lake DWS) and the Bevan Heights drinking water system (Bevan Heights DWS). The Town maintains responsibility for water distribution only; the facilities for water treatment and storage are owned and managed by the Niagara Region. The two drinking water systems distribute treated drinking water within a service area of approximately 12,600 hectares. The service area is bounded by Lake Ontario, the Niagara River, the City of Niagara Falls and the City of St. Catharines.

The Town’s water distribution and sewage collection systems is maintained and operated in cooperation with the Region, in addition to municipal irrigation systems. For more details, please see the Irrigation page

Note that the Region has the responsibility for the domestic water treatment (including pumps, storage facilities, and 39.5 km. of mains) and sewage treatment facilities (including pumping stations and force mains).

Routine activities include:

  • Operating and maintaining water valves
  • Maintaining hydrants
  • Flushing of mains and systems
  • Reading and testing of water meters
  • Providing locates for underground mains and services
  • Turning off/on water services
  • Taking samples for water quality testing
  • Installing and inspecting water/sewer service connections to the property line
  • Repairing water main breaks, clearing sewer blockages
  • Activating, maintaining and shutting down irrigation pumps/siphons
  • Installing meters for hydrant irrigation
  • Providing support services for contractors and developers
  • Maintaining equipment
  • Controlling inventory and investigating service referrals

Niagara-on-the-Lake has received regulatory relief from Lead Testing; however, bacteriological and other chemical testing is still being conducted according to provincial legislation.

Notice to Water and Wastewater Customers

Please click the following links for important information regarding the Water Distribution Systems Rate Review and Financial Plan:

2024 Water and Wastewater Rates 

By-Law 2024-017

By-Law 2758-94

By-Law 2024-072

Water Reports

These reports are published in print and posted on the Town's website on the internet in accordance with the requirements of the Drinking Water Protection Regulation which came into effect on August 26, 2000. 

See all water reports

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