By-law enforcement division approach and philosophy:
The By-law Enforcement Division takes a balanced and consistent approach toward enforcement, seeking to gain compliance with municipal regulatory by-law requirements through various methods, including community engagement and education, voluntary compliance on a case-by-case basis, and enforcement (such as fines) if voluntary compliance is not achieved.
The Town’s philosophy is to engage, educate and enforce - moving to enforcement if success is not found via the first two mechanisms.
While compliance is important, the By-law Enforcement Division attempts to achieve this while still delivering customer service excellence.
The By-law Enforcement Division is also committed to continuous improvement.
By-law enforcement division responsibilities:
The Niagara-on-the-Lake By-law Enforcement Division is responsible for administering and enforcing the various regulatory by-laws of the Town. The areas of responsibility include complaints, parking enforcement, licensing and more.
By-laws enforced through the Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) include:
Sign By-Law
The Sign By-law requires a permit to be issued before erecting a sign. The by-law defines the different kinds of signs and their placement on private property. There are a number of exceptions to the requirement for a permit, and there are a number of signs prohibited altogether. The by-law also contains a site-specific amendment process and fee for those signs that vary in a minor way from the definitions.
Before submitting a sign application or a sign site-specific permit amendment application, consultation must occur with staff to ensure that the applications are filled out correctly and completed.
Please contact Katie Monroe at 905-468-3266 Ext. 226 for more information regarding sign permits.
Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS)
A faster and more efficient way of processing by-law tickets in the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake.
The Administrative Monetary Penalty System (AMPS) is a faster and more flexible process for payment, appeal, and collection of penalties. AMPS will be fully managed at the municipal level and replaces the judicial appeal process.
ImageVisit the By-law Enforcement page for a link to our most common by-laws.
By Mail: Mail a cheque to: Customer Experience, 1593 Four Mile Creek Road, PO Box 100, Virgil ON L0S 1T0. When you mail your payment, you assume the consequences if, for any reason, the payment is not received in our office by the due date.
In-Person: Cash, cheque or debit is accepted at the customer experience counter at the Town Hall Administrative Building.
Drop Box: Place a sealed envelope with a cheque in the Town's dropbox at the Town Hall Administrative Building.
- Remember to write the number of the Penalty Notice on the front of your cheque or money order and make it payable to: Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
- Note: Dishonoured cheques will be subject to an administrative charge of $33.00
Online or by Telephone: Payments can be made by Visa or MasterCard through Paymentus, a third-party service, either online or by calling 1-855-288-4097. A $3 service charge will be applied. Click here for more information.
If you wish to dispute a penalty notice under the AMPS system, the following steps must be taken.
- The recipient must complete the Screening Request Form and submit it within 21 days of the date the penalty notice was issued.
- If the 21 days expires and no application has been made for a screening appointment, the penalty notice will be affirmed.
- A telephone appointment with the Screening Officer will be arranged to discuss the penalty. The Screening Officer will then reduce, affirm or cancel the administrative penalty.
- If you are not satisfied with the Screeing Officer's decision you can request an appointment with the Hearing Officer. The hearing process should take place within one week to two months depending on the availability of the Hearing Officer. The Hearing Officer can reduce, affirm or cancel the administrative penalty. The Hearing Officer's decision is final and binding. There is no appeal mechanism and no ability for the person to take the matter to court.
- No fee may be charged in relation to obtaining a review before a Screening Officer or a Hearing Officer. However, a fee for non-appearance ($150.00 for screening and $250.00 for hearing) will be applied to the penalty.
Please note the following additional fees will be charged under the AMPS system:
- Hearing Non-appearance Fee – $250.00
- Screening Non-appearance Fee – $150.00
- Late Payment Fee – $25.00
- Non-Sufficient-Funds Fee - $33.00
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact 905-468-3266 ext. 279 or email the Supervisor of Enforcement.
Please click here to access the AMPS Request Form.
Visit the By-law Enforcement page for a list of By-laws included under the AMPS program.
**This form is NOT for parking ticket appeals. Please refer to the Register a Parking Penalty Dispute Form. For more information on penalty notices, including the dispute process, please visit the Disputing a Parking Ticket page.
Complaint Forms for by-law infractions can be completed using the Online Service Request & Complaint Form. Complaints may also be made in person at the Town Administration Offices in Virgil, over the phone at 905-468-3266 Ext 0, or through email at It should be noted that anonymous complaints will not be acted upon. The complainant's information is always confidential, and a complainant's name will not be revealed. The information is protected by the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Naturally, where a complainant is required to give evidence in court, his or her identity will be revealed.
2024 By-Law Enforcement Metrics
In January 2024, there was a decrease in the number of by-law investigations compared to January 2023. Staff undertook 7 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 7 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 7 AMPS tickets in January.
Parking – There were 627 parking penalties issued, representing a 94.72% increase in the number of tickets compared to January 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
Short Term Rental compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 6 AMPS tickets issued in January for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
By-Law Data
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 627
Screenings for Parking Notices - 20
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 0
By-Law MLE Investigations - 4
Property Standards Investigations - 7
Tree Permit Exemptions - 4
Tree Permits Issued - 0
Tree Permit Denials - 0
Tree Investigations - 0
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 3
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 6
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 1
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 7
In February 2024, there was a decrease in the number of by-law investigations compared to February 2023. Staff undertook 7 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 8 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 8 AMPS tickets in February.
Parking—583 parking penalties were issued, representing an 8.62% decrease in the number of tickets compared to February 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
Short Term Rental compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 8 AMPS tickets issued in February for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
By-Law Data
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 583
Screenings for Parking Notices - 23
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 0
By-Law MLE Investigations - 7
Property Standards Investigations - 8
Tree Permit Exemptions - 5
Tree Permits Issued - 12
Tree Permit Denials - 0
Tree Investigations - 5
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 4
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 8
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 0
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 8In March 2024, there was an increase in the number of by-law investigations compared to March 2023. Staff undertook 5 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 4 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 11 AMPS tickets in March.
Parking – There were 780 parking penalties issued, representing a 6.84% increase in the number of tickets compared to March 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
Short Term Rental compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 0 AMPS tickets issued in March for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
By-Law Data
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 780
Screenings for Parking Notices - 17
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 0
By-Law MLE Investigations - 5
Property Standards Investigations - 4
Tree Permit Exemptions - 15
Tree Permits Issued - 10
Tree Permit Denials - 3
Tree Investigations - 0
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 1
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 0
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 11
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 11In April 2024, there was an increase in the number of by-law investigations compared to April 2023. Staff undertook 9 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 3 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 9 AMPS tickets in April.
Parking – There were 2011 parking penalties issued, representing a 60.11% increase in the number of tickets compared to April 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
Short Term Rental compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 0 AMPS tickets issued in April for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
By-Law Data
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 2011
Screenings for Parking Notices - 22
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 6
By-Law MLE Investigations - 9
Property Standards Investigations - 3
Tree Permit Exemptions - 18
Tree Permits Issued - 12
Tree Permit Denials - 3
Tree Investigations - 0
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 9
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 0
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 9
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 9In May 2024, there was an increase in the number of by-law investigations compared to May 2023. Staff undertook 13 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 26 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 0 AMPS tickets in May.
Parking – There were 2698 parking penalties issued, representing a 187.94% increase in the number of tickets compared to May 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
Short Term Rental compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 2 AMPS tickets issued in May for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
By-Law Data
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 2698
Screenings for Parking Notices - 32
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 21
By-Law MLE Investigations - 13
Property Standards Investigations - 26
Tree Permit Exemptions - 13
Tree Permits Issued - 0
Tree Permit Denials - 0
Tree Investigations - 1
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 3
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 2
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 0
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 2In June 2024, there was an increase in the number of by-law investigations compared to June 2023. Staff undertook 15 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 29 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 1 AMPS ticket in June.
Parking – There were 2561 parking penalties issued, representing a 196.41% increase in the number of tickets compared to June 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
STR compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 0 AMPS tickets issued in June for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.By-Law Data
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 2561
Screenings for Parking Notices - 31
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 6
By-Law MLE Investigations - 15
Property Standards Investigations - 29
Tree Permit Exemptions - 15
Tree Permits Issued - 6
Tree Permit Denials - 0
Tree Investigations - 1
Tree By-Law Penalties - 1
Short Term Rental Investigations - 5
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 0
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 0
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 1In July 2024, there was a decrease in the number of by-law investigations compared to July 2023. Staff undertook 12 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 23 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 4 AMPS tickets in July.
Parking – There were 2506 parking penalties issued, representing a 44.27% increase in the number of tickets compared to July 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
STR compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 0 AMPS tickets issued in July for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
By-Law Data
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 2506
Screenings for Parking Notices - 32
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 10
By-Law MLE Investigations - 12
Property Standards Investigations - 23
Tree Permit Exemptions - 11
Tree Permits Issued - 1
Tree Permit Denials - 0
Tree Investigations - 1
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 7
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 0
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 4
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 4In August 2024, there was a decrease in the number of by-law investigations compared to August 2023. Staff undertook 14 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 21 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 0 AMPS tickets in August.
Parking – There were 2602 parking penalties issued, representing a 15.28% increase in the number of tickets compared to August 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
STR compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 0 AMPS tickets issued in August for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
By-Law Data
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 2602
Screenings for Parking Notices - 18
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 10
By-Law MLE Investigations - 14
Property Standards Investigations - 21
Tree Permit Exemptions - 9
Tree Permits Issued - 10
Tree Permit Denials - 1
Tree Investigations - 0
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 6
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 0
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 0
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 0In September 2024, there was a decrease in the number of by-law investigations compared to September 2023. Staff undertook 11 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 12 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 7 AMPS tickets in September.
Parking – There were 2669 parking penalties issued, representing a 30.76% increase in the number of tickets compared to September 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
STR compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 4 AMPS tickets issued in September for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
By-Law Data
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 2669
Screenings for Parking Notices -
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 22
By-Law MLE Investigations - 11
Property Standards Investigations - 12
Tree Permit Exemptions - 12
Tree Permits Issued - 0
Tree Permit Denials - 2
Tree Investigations - 0
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 3
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 4
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 3
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 7In October 2024, there was an increase in the number of by-law investigations compared to October 2023. Staff undertook 14 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 13 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 1 AMPS ticket in October.
Parking – There were 2127 parking penalties issued, representing a 25.26% increase in the number of tickets compared to October 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
STR compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 0 AMPS tickets issued in October for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
By-Law Data
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 2127
Screenings for Parking Notices -
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 3
By-Law MLE Investigations - 14
Property Standards Investigations - 13
Tree Permit Exemptions - 17
Tree Permits Issued - 9
Tree Permit Denials - 3
Tree Investigations - 0
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 1
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 0
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 1
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 1In November 2024, there was a decrease in the number of by-law investigations compared to November 2023. Staff undertook 7 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 8 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 0 AMPS tickets in November.
Parking – There were 105 parking penalties issued, representing a 81.58% decrease in the number of tickets compared to November 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
STR compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 0 AMPS tickets issued in November for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 105
Screenings for Parking Notices - 40
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 0
By-Law MLE Investigations - 7
Property Standards Investigations - 8
Tree Permit Exemptions - 8
Tree Permits Issued - 11
Tree Permit Denials - 2
Tree Investigations - 2
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 3
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 0
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 0
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 0In December 2024, there was an increase in the number of by-law investigations compared to December 2023. Staff undertook 3 Municipal Law Enforcement (MLE) investigations and 6 Property Standards Investigations. Town Staff issued 0 AMPS tickets in December.
Parking – There were 11 parking penalties issued, representing a 96.47% decrease in the number of tickets compared to December 2023. Seasonal and full-time Parking Enforcement Officers issued parking tickets. Staff will continue to issue parking tickets proactively and respond to complaints.
STR compliance remains an area of high priority within the By-law division. There were 0 AMPS tickets issued in November for Short-Term Rental non-compliance. As non-compliance numbers can change daily, By-law Staff anticipates non-compliant operators will be maintained at 0 to 10 at any given time.
Parking Penalty Notices Issued - 11
Screenings for Parking Notices - 4
Special Enforcement Area Penalties Issued - 0
By-Law MLE Investigations - 3
Property Standards Investigations - 6
Tree Permit Exemptions - 5
Tree Permits Issued - 0
Tree Permit Denials - 0
Tree Investigations - 0
Tree By-Law Penalties - 0
Short Term Rental Investigations - 0
Short Term Rental Penalties Issued - 0
Other By-Law Penalties Issued - 0
Total AMPS Penalties Issued - 0