Delegation Requests

The purpose of the delegation process is to allow residents to make their views known to Council. Council values and welcomes input, comments, and constructive suggestions.

Deadline for Council and Committee of the Whole Meetings

Requests to appear as a non-agenda delegation must be made in writing through completion of the form and submitted no later than 12 p.m. on the Thursday prior to the COTW or Council Meeting.

Delegation Form

Delegations wishing to present information to COTW or Council regarding a staff report listed on a published agenda, must complete the form (see above) and submit no later than 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to the scheduled meeting for an opportunity to appear as a delegation at the meeting where the report will be considered.

Delegation Policy and Procedures

Please read the Delegation Policy attached to the delegation form prior to the meeting.

Please note, information contained on delegation forms, including any attachments, will become public documents and listed on Town Meeting Agendas.

Any presentation materials must be submitted with the delegation form. Electronic presentations must be emailed to no later than 12:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to the scheduled meeting.

If an individual appears as a delegation before Council or Committee of the Whole, a further delegation from the same individual concerning the same topic(s) will not be permitted unless there is significant new information to be brought forward.  Specific new information must be identified on the form, which will require approval from the Town Clerk.

Accommodations for Accessibility

Should you require any accommodations for a disability in order to make a delegation to Council or speak at a public meeting, please contact the Clerk's Department in advance so arrangements can be made prior to the meeting. 

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